What are varicose veins, spider veins, and reticular veins?
Varicose veins are swollen, raised veins, develop when veins valves are damaged and overfilled with blood. Typically, they develop beneath the surface of the skin of the leg or face.
Spider veins are tiny red blue veins forming the structure of a spider web inside the layer of skin.
Reticular veins are smaller fine blue veins developed under the skin. These veins are smaller than varicose veins but bigger than spider veins.
If you experience any one of these types of veins leading to irritation, you should walk-in a vein treatment center.
Why do varicose veins develop?
Normally, the leg veins’ function is to carry blood back to the heart. When you walk, the calf muscle acts as a pumping machine, squeezing the leg veins and blood back towards the heart. Being a one-way, vein valves prevent blood to flow in the wrong direction. If the valves are damaged due to some reason, they obstruct the blood circulation and blood starts
Looking for a vein treatment to get rid of the hideous veins that are just taking your life? Modern medicine and the number of “vein specialists near me” that can be found on Google has so many options to treat the veins. Spider veins are affecting at least 50% of the world’s population, lifestyle and diet have caused numerous cases regarding the same.
Vein responds easily to the treatment and there are primarily two types of it. Sclerotherapy and laser treatments are the two commonly successful forms of treatment. Many people have reported that sclerotherapy is wonderful for larger spider veins. This treatment option requires an injection of a saline liquid meant to create the vein to get into the fibrosis. The vein then begins to get shut overtime and slowly fades away. The vein treatment may be required to be done frequently in severe cases. After treatment, it is normal to get bruising and marks but these will heal after a period of time but you don’t need to be concerned about