In the legs, the blood of the veins has to rise against gravity to return to the heart and lungs to oxygenate. It does so thanks to valves that only allows the upward flow to close once the blood passes through them. When they do not work properly, blood reflux occurs and varicose veins appear.
What symptoms produce varicose veins?
The most common symptoms of varicose veins are leg heaviness, swelling, cramping, pain, fatigue, spots, and even ulcers. They are produced by the stagnation of the blood and the increase of the pressure in the walls of the veins, which reach to dilate.
What risks or complications are there if the varicose veins are not treated?
If the Spider Vein Treatment is not done, the increase in vascular pressure can cause filtration of blood to the tissues appearing brown spots on the legs and if maintained over time, the disorder in the tissues can cause a venous ulcer of chronic stasis, ulcer very difficult to treat since it tends to reopen again and again.
Vascular damage can also cause thrombophlebitis and although they do not occur in all patients with varicose veins, there is no way to predict with certainty that will develop these important complications.
When is it necessary to consult a doctor and how are varicose veins diagnosed?
Venous blood circulation proceeds at four different levels, from more to less deep and depending on the level of the patient, bulky varicose veins may appear varicose veins like green cords or varicose veins like spider veins.
The evaluation of the affected level should always be carried out by an expert Vein Doctor Called who, by means of a complete exploration and study with Doppler ultrasound, will map the entire circulation of the leg and decide on the treatment in each case.
In case the saphenous veins were affected, this problem should be resolved before starting a treatment of fine veins.
Types of treatment for varicose veins
The treatment is based on closing the diseased veins for which circulation is not effective.
- Treatment for fine veins
The transcutaneous vascular laser is applied outside the skin and the energy transformed into heat when it reaches the vein closes the vessel to Get Rid of Spider Veins. In many cases, both techniques are combined to enhance their effects and are known as photodynamic therapy.
- Treatment for thick veins
There are different options, from the more traditional such as compression stockings that help mobilize stagnant blood in the legs and surgery with general or spinal anaesthesia to cut or tear the damaged vein to the newest the endogenous laser that is considered the first choice at present.
- What is the endogenous laser?
It is a technique without surgery which is used Treatment for Red Veins on Face, without cuts and local anaesthesia, which by means of the introduction of a laser fibber guided by ultrasound, acts selectively from within the vein, sealing it by heat and making it disappear.
The Facial Spider Vein Removal of Vein is painless and without postoperative so it becomes normal life from the first moment.